Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, 209 Avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 PARIS.

The day of December 5, 2022 will mark an exceptional moment. For the first time, the trumpet players of the Académie de Trompe et Cors will meet at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, to perform works by Charles Koechlin in collaboration with students of the Conservatoire.


10am – 12:30pm VINTEUIL Lounge (Conference-Concert) :

Presentation of Charles KOECHLIN and his work by Philippe CATHÉ, Professor of musicology at Sorbonne University, with musical examples played by students of the CNSMDP,

1:15 – 2:00 pm. in the CONSERVATORY ROOM (Concert) :

Around the work for hunting horn by Charles KOECHLIN by the bell ringers of the Academy of Trumpet and Horns and the students of the conservatory.


Monday, December 5, 2022, a historic date!

Trompe and horns are brought together to celebrate the work of Charles Koechlin, in which the horn is significantly present. Charles Koechlin wrote various pieces of all kinds for the horn and especially for the hunting horn, the latter never having been performed. It’s a big first, since some of them will be produced for the very first time.

This conference-concert event on the work of this great musician is the fruit of a fruitful cooperation between the Académie Trompe et Cors and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, and Philippe Cathé, Professor of Musicology at Sorbonne University, a specialist in the work of this composer whose life was rich in composing, writing treatises, giving lectures and conferences, notably at Berkeley (1928) in the USA.

The day was punctuated by two highlights:

  • First, a lecture by Philippe Cathé presenting Charles Koechlin and his work, with musical examples played by CNSMDP students,
  • Then, a concert based on the work of Charles Koechlin, performed by the horn players of the Académie Trompe et Cors and students from the Conservatoire.

All this was made possible thanks to the major involvement of the CNSMDP and the contribution of Mr. Marc Lerique Koechlin, who handed over the original scores used to draw up the musical program.

It was an exceptional day that shed unique light on the life, work and music of Charles Koechlin (1867-1950), contemporary of such famous musicians as Debussy (1862-1918), Fauré (1845-1924) and Ravel (1875-1931).

Luc Avot, President of ATC



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